Getting to the Top of Taiwan 登上臺灣最高點 ── 玉山

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2020/07/28 第471期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Getting to the Top of Taiwan 登上臺灣最高點 ── 玉山


  For anyone interested in hiking, Taiwan’s Yushan, or Jade Mountain, is the top prize on the island. Topping out at 3,952 meters, Yushan is the highest mountain in Taiwan, and though that may sound daunting, it is a fairly accessible climb. Best yet, it’s in the island’s largest nature preserve.
  Located in central Taiwan, Jade Mountain is just one of the more than 30 mountains in Yushan Park that soar over 3,000 meters. Covering an area of 114 square kilometers across Nantou, Chiayi, Kaohsiung, and Hualien County, the park is home to an array of wildlife. Approximately 50 species of mammals call the park home, and visitors can keep an eye out for the 151 species of birds and 228 species of butterflies that inhabit the area.
  If you’re set on trekking up Yushan, the best time of year, and the most popular, is from June to November. Typhoons may impact plans during the summer months, and autumn dates will require several more layers to stay warm. The mountain can be tackled in a single day, but you will need to reach Paiyun Lodge by 10 in the morning to be allowed to summit, which means you will have to set out from the trailhead while it’s still dark (with a flashlight or headlight). If you want more time, you can spread the hike out over multiple days and spend a night at the lodge. Whichever you choose, you’ll need a sturdy pair of hiking shoes that have already been broken in as well as a pack with water, food, extra layers, and a first aid kit.


daunting a. 令人卻步的
mammal n. 哺乳類動物
layer n. 一層
lodge n.(山間或鄉村的)小屋
summit vi. 登上山頂 & n. 頂峰;巔峰
trailhead n. 登山口
a first aid kit  急救箱

1. top out (at...)  達到最高點(……)
• I don’t think housing prices have topped out yet. They will continue to rise.
2. accessible a. 可達到的;易接近的
• The beach is accessible from this road.
3. preserve n.(自然)保護區
• There is no camping allowed inside that nature preserve.
4. soar vi. 聳立;急遽上升
• Economic growth soars when there are low levels of unemployment.
5. be home to...  是……的棲息地/家鄉
• According to the guidebook, this forest is home to 20 species of birds.
6. an array of...  一大堆的……;一系列的……
• You can choose from an array of handmade herbal soaps at this shop.
7. approximately adv. 大約
• The journey will take approximately three and a half hours.
8. species n. 物種(單複數同形)
• Many species of rare animals are dying out because of overdevelopment.
9. keep an eye out for...  留意……
• Keep an eye out for any information about the show.
10. inhabit vt. 居住
• Several million people inhabit that small island.
11. be set on N/V-ing  決心要/一心想做……
• We were all set on traveling to Italy this summer, but with the outbreak of COVID-19, we had no choice but to cancel our plan.
12. trek up...  (往高處)長途跋涉……
• It took us three hours to trek up the mountain.
13. tackle vt. 應付,處理
• It is not easy to tackle so many responsibilities at once.
14. multiple a. 多重的,眾多的
• The woman checked the locks on her doors and windows multiple times before she finally felt safe.
15. sturdy a. 堅固的;耐用的
• The sturdy brick house was the only one in the neighborhood that didn’t fall during the earthquake.
16. break in...  使……(鞋子、衣物)合腳/合穿
• Anna tried to break in her new high heels by wearing them around the house.

登上臺灣最高點 ── 玉山





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