Let’s Go Fly a Kite 飛翔吧!風箏

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2020/07/07 第468期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Let’s Go Fly a Kite 飛翔吧!風箏
by Lauren McCarthy


  Flying a kite is a common childhood pastime. Even if you haven’t done it yourself, you’ve probably at least seen it. But have you ever stopped and wondered how the fun activity actually works? What is it that keeps that colorful cloth aloft?
  If your answer to that last question is “the wind,” you are on the right track. It’s much more complicated than that, though. A kite that flutters steadily in the air with little effort from the person holding onto the string is a working example of the basic principles of aerodynamics, or the science of flight. Whether you are talking about a kite, a bird, or an airplane, the science is the same. The upward force that pushes a kite into the air and keeps it there is called lift. This is achieved when the air pressure underneath the kite, or a wing, is higher than the air pressure above it. That difference in pressure is the result of a difference in air speeds; fast-moving air is lower in pressure and slow-moving air is higher. The design of a kite is angled so that wind passing underneath it is slowed down, resulting in lift. Of course, you have to remember that the kite, though fairly light, still weighs something, so the force of the lift must be equal to a kite’s weight in order for it to fly.
  Once you have your kite in the air, then thrust (the force that pushes the kite forward) and drag (the force that pushes back against the kite) come into play. If you want to keep the kite steady, then these two forces must also be equal. Now, grab a kite and give it a try.


aloft adv. 在高處
aerodynamics n. 空氣動力學
upward a. 向上的
lift n.(空氣的)升力
underneath prep. 在……下面
angle vt. 斜置;斜移

1. pastime n. 消遣,娛樂
• Watching movies is Eric’s favorite pastime.
2. probably adv. 大概;很可能
• It will probably take me three weeks to read this 1,000-page novel.
3. complicated a. 複雜的
• The software was complicated, so it took me quite some time to learn how to use it.
4. flutter vi.(在空中)飄揚;飄動
• The red flag fluttered in the breeze.
5. steadily adv. 穩定地
 steady a. 穩定的,平穩的
• The number of visitors to the winter resort is steadily growing.
• Nathan tried to keep his smartphone steady while he was taking a selfie.
6. principle n. 原理,原則
 in principle  原則上
• I agree with you in principle; it is your method that I disagree with.
7. achieve vt. 達到;實現
 achievement n. 成就
• If you work hard, you will eventually achieve your goals.
8. pressure n. 壓力
• Cameron applied pressure on the wound with a clean cloth to stop the bleeding.
9. fairly adv. 相當地,頗
• Chad’s written English is fairly good, but he needs to improve his spoken English.
10. thrust n. 推力
• Mary is calculating the thrust generated by those engines.
11. grab vt. 抓住
• The little boy grabbed his mother’s arm and wouldn’t let go.

1. be on the right / wrong track  
• Joyce hasn’t solved the problem, but she believes she is on the right track.
• These lab results show that we are on the wrong track.
2. hold onto...  抓緊……;堅守……
• The worker held onto the rope and pulled it hard.
3. slow down... / slow... down  
• Please slow down your pace. I can’t keep up with you.
4. result in...  導致/造成……
= lead to...
= bring about...
= give rise to...
= contribute to...
• Teddy’s careless driving resulted in the accident.
5. be equal to...  等於……;相當於……
• A kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams.
6. come into play  有影響,起作用;開始生效
• The policy only comes into play if you are absent for more than a week.
7. give... a try  試一試/嘗試……
= give... a shot
= give... a go
• Just give it a try. I believe you can make it.

force n.(物理學上的)力;(自然)力;力量
• The astronauts felt the force of the Earth’s gravity when they reentered the atmosphere.
*reenter [ ri`EntK ] vt.(航天器的)重返大氣層
• Not until the major earthquake struck did I realize how terrible the force of nature can be.
• The truck crashed into the wall with great force.
a. power n. 力量;權力
• The power of the impact created a huge hole in the ground.
• The president has been using his power to influence foreign policy.
b. strength n. 力氣,體力;毅力
• David was so tired that he didn’t even have the strength to walk.
• Wendy is confident she has the strength to face the challenge.
c. might n.(極大的)力量,力氣
• The thief struggled with all his might to break loose from the police.
d. energy n. 活力,精力
• I don’t know how Kathy is always full of energy so early in the morning.
e. vigor n. 活力,精力
• Janet turned off the TV, picked up her books, and started studying with vigor.





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