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2020/07/27 第302期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



1. 社會新鮮人

(X)Social freshman

(O)New graduate/ fresh graduate

中文的「社會新鮮人」,如果直接用social freshman,老外應該不懂是什麼意思。

Freshman指大學一年級學生。社會新鮮人是大學剛畢業的人,和大一新 ... ...

LGBTQ社群並無計劃收錄P* 並稱絕不容忍戀童癖

Many of us are familiar with the terms “LGBT” or “LGBTQ”, which are acronyms for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning and/or queer. But recently social media users have been sharing posts online that falsely imply the LGBTQ community is accepting of “pedosexuals”. Many posts suggest that the community will add the letter P to the acronym LGBT.
許多人對 LGBT或LGBTQ這兩個縮寫很熟悉,代表女同性戀(lesbian)、男同性戀(gay)、雙性戀(bisexual)、跨性別(transgender)及其他不確定性向者(questioning)或酷兒(queer)。但近期社群媒體上流傳著一些錯誤訊息,內容暗示LGBTQ團體將接受戀童癖(pedosexuals),許多貼文指出,代表戀童癖的字母P將列入LGBT中。

There is a post on Facebook showing a digitally edited graphic that reads “Love is love” with the words “not race, not age, not religion.” The “not age” section implies that a 38 year-old adult can love a 10 year-old kid, which falsely connecting pedosexuals with equality.

The LGBTQ community does not condone “pedosexuals” and no groups have shared that they do. These claims are false. It has been widely reported that this link between LGBTQ community and pedophiles is untrue and offensive.

A spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, a civil rights organization working to achieve LGBTQ equality, told Reuters via email: “The LGBTQ movement absolutely rejects any suggestion that our community is linked to non-consensual interpersonal behaviors.”
美國最大的LGBT權利倡導團體人權戰線(Human Rights Campaign)發言人透過電子郵件告知路透社,「LGBTQ運動堅定反對,任何言論將我們與非合意關係混為一談。」

LGBT News told Reuters via email: “A poor Photoshop attempt […] this image is all over the internet with different names attached to it, various age groups etc. We are against any and all forms of Pedophilia obviously. Whoever is spreading these images are trolls and haters trying to give the LGBT community a bad name.”
知名粉絲頁LGBT News透過電子郵件回應路透社,有各種劣質改圖在網路上流傳。我們反對任何形式的戀童癖,散播這些圖文的人,一定是酸民或是惡意攻擊者,試圖污名化LGBT社群。

*此處P指pedophiles 或pedosexuals,代表戀童癖


中美洲彩虹旗首飄揚 哥斯大黎加同婚合法


參考資料:CBS NEWS, BBC, Reuters, Aljazeera, CNN


本文收錄於英語島English Island 2020年7月號

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