追星必備指南 A Must-Have Guide for Chasing Stars NOV.23,2020/Enjoy Editors 本圖提供 Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com
A: Did you watch the BTS livestream last night? I recorded it and have watched it three times already. 你昨晚有看 BTS 的線上直播嗎?我把整場都錄了下來,而且已經重看三次了。 D: What are you talking about, Amy? 妳在說什麼啊,艾咪? A: BTS! They're the biggest band in the world. They are bigger than the Beatles. They are bigger than Jay-Z, Drake, and Taylor Swift combined. 防彈少年團啊!他們是全世界最夯的團體。他們比披頭四還紅。他們比 Jay-Z、德瑞克和泰勒絲這三人加在一起的人氣還更高。 |