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2021/12/03 第594期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 新制多益單字:教育篇
【英語學習Plus】 Seventieth Birthday 馬克吐溫:七十大壽謝辭
【本月發燒書】 高中進階英單完全掌握:主題式速記學測高頻單字【108課綱新字表】(32K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★套書推薦★英文寫作贏戰攻略:全民英檢/統測作文必修套書【初級+中級】


exceptional (形)異常優秀的;例外的
Ms. Kane has an exceptional ability to teach other people.
。with no exception 沒有例外
。everyone / no one except (for) 除了......之外,其他人都

★ registration (名)登記,註冊
Registration for the employee training program closes on March 3.
。registration for the training 登記訓練課程
。advance registration 提前登記
。register in advance 提前登記

★ present (動)授予;呈現 (形)在場的;當前的
The CEO presented awards to the best employees.
。present a valid ID card 拿出有效身分證件
。be present for a vote 到場投票

────── 節錄寂天講堂「看插畫背熟新制多益單字:教育篇」

Seventieth Birthday 馬克吐溫:七十大壽謝辭

I have had a great many birthdays in my time. I remember the first one very well, and I always think of it with indignation; everything was so crude, unaesthetic, primeval. Nothing like this at all. No proper appreciative preparation made; nothing really ready. Now, for a person born with high and delicate instincts—why, even the cradle wasn't whitewashed—nothing ready at all. I hadn't any hair, I hadn't any teeth, I hadn't any clothes, I had to go to my first banquet just like that.

Well, everybody came swarming in. It was the merest little bit of a village—hardly that, just a little hamlet, in the backwoods of Missouri, where nothing ever happened, and the people were all interested, and they all came; they looked me over to see if there was anything fresh in my line. Why, nothing ever happened in that village—I—why, I was the only thing that had really happened there for months and months and months; and although I say it myself that shouldn't, I came the nearest to being a real event that had happened in that village in more than, two years.

Well, those people came, they came with that curiosity which is so provincial, with that frankness which also is so provincial, and they examined me all around and gave their opinion. Nobody asked them, and I shouldn't have minded if anybody had paid me a compliment, but nobody did. Their opinions were all just green with prejudice, and I feel those opinions to this day.

Well, I stood that as long as—well, you know I was born courteous, and I stood it to the limit. I stood it an hour, and then the worm turned. I was the worm; it was my turn to turn, and I turned. I knew very well the strength of my position; I knew that I was the only spotlessly pure and innocent person in that whole town, and I came out and said so: And they could not say a word. It was so true: They blushed; they were embarrassed. Well, that was the first after-dinner speech I ever made: I think it was after dinner.

It's a long stretch between that first birthday speech and this one. That was my cradle-song; and this is my swan-song, I suppose. I am used to swan-songs; I have sung them several, times.








練英單 1:108課綱常用字彙邊背邊練習【Levels 1–2】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)

彼得潘 Peter Pan【原著雙語彩圖本】(25K彩色)


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