A Royal Paradox: Harry and Meghan Seek Both Privacy and Publicity 王室成員的矛盾:哈利、梅根既要隱私又要曝光

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2023/07/07 第440期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 A Royal Paradox: Harry and Meghan Seek Both Privacy and Publicity 王室成員的矛盾:哈利、梅根既要隱私又要曝光
A Newspaper's Closing Deals a Blow to a Nation's Democracy 報社被迫關門 瓜地馬拉脆弱民主再受創
A Royal Paradox: Harry and Meghan Seek Both Privacy and Publicity 王室成員的矛盾:哈利、梅根既要隱私又要曝光
文/Mark Landler


When Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, decamped Britain for the United States in 2020, he portrayed it as an act of survival against a relentlessly intrusive British press. On Tuesday, after a chaotic encounter with photographers in New York City, Harry found the media glare can be just as intense in his adopted home.


With details continuing to filter out about what exactly happened to Harry, Meghan and her mother, Doria Ragland, as photographers pursued them in midtown Manhattan, the episode underscored a basic paradox in the lives of this celebrity couple: They plead for privacy but also seek publicity, with a Netflix documentary, a tell-all memoir by Harry and public appearances that will inevitably draw cameras.


The frenzy in New York is a reminder of the grievances that Harry has held for decades against the British press, which remains the primary market for paparazzi shots of him and Meghan. In 1997, his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car crash in Paris while fleeing photographers; Harry has blamed them for her death and expressed fears that history could repeat itself with his wife and family.


"The example of what happened in New York suggests that the kind of police protection Harry wants in London is not going to be enough to protect him or his family," said Ed Owens, a historian who has studied relations between the monarchy and the media. "He's not engaging with this reality."


In California, where they now live, Harry and Meghan employ private security guards who are licensed to carry guns. But they are not allowed to travel with armed guards in Britain, which is one reason Harry has asked for police protection, and has offered to pay for it himself. Lawyers for the Home Office argued in court that police officers should not be hired out to paying customers.


Harry has described the loss of his security detail as one of the most worrisome consequences of his bitter split from his family and his withdrawal from royal duties. In his memoir, "Spare," he wrote that from childhood, he had never traveled without three armed bodyguards. During negotiations with palace officials over his new status, Harry said, he begged for the bodyguards to be left in place, even if he lost all the other royal perks.


In the Netflix documentary "Harry & Meghan," the couple are depicted peering nervously out the windows of their SUV for photographers pursuing them, as they leave a parking garage and head to an event. The scene is set in Manhattan.



A Newspaper's Closing Deals a Blow to a Nation's Democracy 報社被迫關門 瓜地馬拉脆弱民主再受創
文/Jody García, Elda Cant&

報社被迫關門 瓜地馬拉脆弱民主再受創

When the newspaper elPeriodico was founded in Guatemala in 1996, the country was emerging from a brutal civil war, and there was a feeling that a small space for free thought might be opening.


That opening closed last week when elPeriodico, which made a name for itself and became a frequent target for trying to hold Guatemala's governments to account, published its final digital edition.


The newspaper's demise followed the jailing of its publisher after he was accused by the government of financial crimes and the freezing of its assets as part of the case, which dealt a financial blow and led to the suspension of the print edition in December.


The closing of elPeriodico is the latest setback for Guatemala's increasingly brittle democracy, civil liberties groups say, as President Alejandro Giammattei steers the country toward greater repression, targeting critics, including the news media, opposition politicians and the judiciary.


"We wanted to be irreverent, not necessarily confrontational," said Luis Aceituno, who was one of three dozen remaining staff members at elPeriodico, whose newsroom at its high point in 2012 had 400 employees.


But over the years, elPeriodico has drawn the ire of the country's ruling elite.


Since Giammattei took office in 2020, elPeriodico had published scores of investigative articles focused on government corruption within his administration, including within the prosecutor's office and the country's high court.


"Despite the fatigue, the severe adverse conditions, the humiliation and the derision, I will not cease in my fight for freedom and democracy in Guatemala," José Rubén Zamora, the newspaper's publisher, wrote in a final editorial from jail.


Zamora has been detained since July after he was charged with money laundering, blackmail and influence peddling. He has denied any wrongdoing and has called the charges a "persecution."


The shuttering of elPeriodico "is a horrible sign for independent journalism in Guatemala and in Central America," said Eduardo Suárez, head of editorial at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in England. "What we are seeing in Guatemala is the latest example of how press freedom is eroding in the region."


Now the country is barreling toward presidential elections in June amid concerns that opposition candidates will not have a fair chance to run, according to international organizations.


And there will be at least one news media outlet fewer around to cover the race.



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