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2017/01/13 第341期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 網路詐騙
【本月發燒書】 FUN學美國英語課本:各學科關鍵英單Grade 3【二版】
【好康情報局】 寂天精選年終暢銷書展──全面79折!

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網路詐騙 Internet Fraud

Internet fraud is not only on the rise, but it is accelerating. The variety of scams continues to develop in complexity and effectiveness, leaving the casual user ever more vulnerable to personal loss, while law enforcement appears to be mostly unprepared to handle the sudden and massive burden of new, difficult-to-investigate crimes. The best defense against crime, however, has remained unchanged since the dawn of civilization: personal responsibility and preparation. Below are the top three scams, but there are far more than these.

Lottery Winnings: Emails claiming that the recipient has won money generate enough excitement to cloud a person's judgment. They may ask for cash to cover the taxes before the money can be released, but taxes are the winner's responsibility to pay after the money is received, and are only paid to the winner's government. They might also request bank account numbers for a wire transfer.

Undelivered Auction Goods: Beware of extended shipping delays when purchasing anything online. A purchaser is protected from fraud for a short time—usually only two to four weeks. If a seller succeeds in delaying past this time, then the buyer has no recourse if the item is never sent.

Phishing: Phishing (pronounced "fishing") is an attempt to obtain information and money by masquerading as an authentic entity. For example, an email that looks like it came from PayPal.com says that your account has been accessed by an unknown party. It asks you to follow the link to log in and identify any account activity that you did not authorize. When the link is clicked, the following page looks like PayPal's website, but it is, in fact, a fake, and any information, such as user name and password, are simply saved to be used later by thieves in an attempt to defraud. A different and common spin on the phishing scam states that it is from a foreign government (usually Nigeria) regarding one of the following: disbursement of finances to the benefactor of a will, accusation of contract fraud, requests for help converting funds, or receipt of grant money. Unfortunately, there are many others.

New scams are invented every day. Be a savvy surfer, not a gullible victim. The best protection is to think logically and skeptically; these skills come with experience and knowledge. Educate yourself.




網路釣魚:網路釣魚是指藉由冒充真實網站,企圖取得資訊和金錢。舉例來說,一封像是由 PayPal.com 所寄出的電子郵件聲稱你的帳戶遭到不名人士入侵,要求你進入下面的連結並且登入,以確認哪些是未經過認證的活動。進入下面的連結,你會發現那個網站看起來很像是PayPal 的網站,但實際上卻是冒充的,而使用者名稱和密碼等任何資訊都會被儲存起來,以便之後進行盜用。自稱是外國政府(通常是奈及利亞)則是另一種常見的網釣詐騙,常與下列事情有關:遺囑受益人的付款、合約詐騙的指控、轉換資金的請求,或是鉅款的收據。不幸的是,還有許多其他的手法。


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FUN學美國英語課本:各學科關鍵英單Grade 3【二版】
本套書針對想要看懂美國教科書或準備到國外求學的讀者所設計,依照學科分類,包括社會、歷史、地理、科學、數學、語言、美術和音樂。每單元皆搭配豐富例句、彩圖和測驗題,不僅有助加強記憶,還能加深對各學科的認識。 ....詳全文
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