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2017/01/27 第342期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 網路世界的流言蜚語
【本月發燒書】 挑戰新多益聽力閱讀滿分2:模擬試題2000題 【聽力閱讀合輯】
【好康情報局】 出走吧,來一場冬季輕旅!寒假旅遊英日語書展,全面79折!

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What Does the Internet Have to Say About You?

In the past, news traveled by word of mouth. Later, it was printed in newspapers. Now, the Internet is a source of information. But people forget that the Internet has a long memory and a huge audience . Before you post those party pictures on Facebook, read this article.

Forget Googling people to find out more information; Facebook can sometimes be much more revealing. At least one in 10 admissions officers for high schools and colleges looks at applicants' profiles on Facebook and other social networking sites. Other studies say 62% of British employers check social networking pages of job candidates. Twentyfive percent of them decided not to interview certain candidates because of their pages! Not only do people not get hired because of tasteless or private information on Facebook, they are now getting fired, too. Bosses can see negative comments about themselves or their companies. They find out information that makes employees look irresponsible or dishonest. And they sometimes decide to open up positions for people who know how much online information is too much.

You may only communicate with friends on social networking sites, but other people can find you and find out any information you put up there. Career counselors suggest that instead of allowing social networking sites to hurt your job chances, you should let them work for you. If you speak other languages, list them. If you've done volunteer work, mention it and write about it. List hobbies and jobs that you're proud of.

If you happened to paint your face, put a lampshade on your head, and dance halfnaked at a party last week, it's OK. You just might want to keep those pictures to yourself.






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挑戰新多益聽力閱讀滿分2:模擬試題2000題 【聽力閱讀合輯】
熱銷多益模擬考題最新力作!豐富試題創新升級! 全書以聽力10回、閱讀10回雙書版包裝, 收錄共2000題的新多益全真模擬試題。....詳全文
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