Killing Reagan  刺殺雷根

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2017/01/17 第283期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Killing Reagan  刺殺雷根
A new TV movie that looks at the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.


  The world is watching Washington, D.C., this month as the newly elected President of the United States moves into the White House. National Geographic Channel (NGC) joins in the excitement with the latest addition to their successful Killing series. The series has displayed the channel's three most-watched programs of all timeKilling Lincoln, Killing Kennedy, and Killing Jesus. The latest movie, Killing Reagan, is based on the best-selling book of the same name. The film focuses on the events leading up to, and the effects of, the March 30, 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.
  Killing Reagan stars Tim Matheson as President Reagan and Cynthia Nixon as the First Lady, Nancy Reagan. The story shows Reagan's rise to power and his time as president. It also explains the mind of the shooter, John Hinckley Jr., and what led him to try and kill the president.
  This made-for-TV historical drama will be aired on NGC globally in 171 countries in early 2017. Viewers can tune in to watch Killing Reagan and see how being shot and almost killed affected the former leader of the US during this period in history.


  這個月全世界正關注華府,因為新當選的美國總統搬入白宮。國家地理頻道以最新的《刺殺》系列參與這件令人興奮的盛事。該系列播出了該頻道歷年來三個最常被觀看的節目 ──《刺殺林肯》、《刺殺甘迺迪》及《謀殺耶穌》。最新的影片《刺殺雷根》是以同名暢銷書為根據。影片關注 1981 年三月三十日美國總統羅納德•雷根遭刺殺的事件及其影響。
  在 2017 年年初,國家地理頻道將在全球一百七十一個國家播出這部為電視量身打造的歷史劇。觀眾可以鎖定觀賞《刺殺雷根》,看看在歷史上這段時期,這個差點遭刺殺身亡的事件如何影響這位美國的前領袖。

  1. attempt n. 企圖
    Al made several attempts to quit smoking. However, he failed each time.
  2. elect vt. 選舉
    We elected John as our class leader.
  3. of all time  有史以來
    Here is a list of the top 100 books of all time.
  4. explain vt. 說明,解釋
    William explained to the teacher that he was sick last night.
  5. former a. 之前的;前者的
    The former president died of cancer last week.
  6. period n. 期間
    It is during that period that I planned for my future.

assassination n. 暗殺


在愛因斯坦提出重力理論,預言重力波的存在後第100年,人類終於發現了重力波。2015年9月14號,雷射干涉重力波天文台 (LIGO) 首次偵測到的重力波是13億年前兩個黑洞結合時所釋放出來的。

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