The Lowline  充滿陽光和綠意的首座地下公園

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2017/01/03 第296期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Lowline  充滿陽光和綠意的首座地下公園
by Marcus Maurice

The Lowline is trying to bring a bit of green to one of the densest urban landscapes in the world.

  New York City is not known for its natural wonders. _(1)_ Central Park, New York City is full of buildings, skyscrapers, traffic, and people. Just below Delancey Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the Williamsburg Bridge Trolley Terminal was opened in 1908. After 40 years, the trolley service stopped, but an empty space with some incredible _(2)_ has been below the street surface for more than 70 years. In 2009, two friends, James Ramsey of the design firm Raad Studio, and Dan Barasch, a man who was trying to get works of art into New York City subways, _(3)_ for wine. Out of this meeting, the idea of an underground park at the Williamsburg Bridge Trolley Terminal _(4)_, later forming the Lowline project.

  Within a few years, the plan to use innovative solar technology in order to _(5)_ this trolley terminal began. In 2012, a full-scale model of the aboveground solar panels was completed. Sunlight is piped underground using lenses and mirrors to help trees and other plants grow. The first _(6)_ was only open for two weeks. Within that time, more than 11,000 people visited the Lowline, and the buzz for the project was _(7)_. In 2015, the Lowline Lab opened to much fanfare. Visitors to the lab saw metal canopies, wooden terraces, and about 5% of what the 1.5-acre park would look like. It has taken a lot of hard work to get the project off the ground, and now the Lowline is expected to open to the public in 2020.

1. (A) With the exception of(B) In accordance with(C) As a result of(D) With regard to
2. (A) passions  (B) monitors  (C) features  (D) processes
3. (A) meet  (B) met  (C) meeting  (D) to meet
4. (A) came about  (B) broke down  (C) paid off  (D) faded away
5. (A) indicate  (B) allocate  (C) eliminate  (D) illuminate
6. (A) guideline  (B) rehearsal  (C) exhibit  (D) identity
7. (A) discouraging  (B) phenomenal  (C) suspicious   (D) ambitious

  1. With the exception of Central Park, New York City is full of buildings, skyscrapers, traffic, and people.
    a. (A) with the exception of...  除了……之外
    同: except for...
    With the exception of his ill temper, John is quite a nice person.
    (B) in accordance with...  依照/根據……
    accordance n. 一致,符合
    In accordance with the new law, you'll have to smoke outside.
    (C) as a result of...  由於……
    同: because of...
    = due to...
    = on account of...
    As a result of work and dedication, Dora got her first novel published.
    *dedication n. 專心致力,奉獻
    (D) with regard to...  關於/有關……
    同: in regard to...
    With regard to Amy's proposal, we don't think it's feasible.
    *feasible a. 可行的
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. After 40 years, the trolley service stopped, but an empty space with some incredible features has been below the street surface for more than 70 years.
    a. (A) passion n.(對某事物的)熱愛/熱情
    Angela devoted all of her time and passion to dancing.
    *devote vt. 致力於
    (B) monitor n. 螢幕
    Standing on top of the monitor are some of my favorite model robots.
    (C) feature n. 特色,特徵
    One of the features of this car is that it's powered by the sun.
    (D) process n. 過程;程序
    衍: in the process of...  在……過程中
    Teaching a child to write is a slow process.
    Bill and Linda are in the process of getting a divorce.
    *divorce n. 離婚
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  3. In 2009, two friends, James Ramsey of the design firm Raad Studio, and Dan Barasch, a man who was trying to get works of art into New York City subways, met for wine.
    2009 年,兩位朋友 ── 拉德工作室設計公司的詹姆斯.拉姆齊和丹.巴勒希(他試圖讓藝術品融入紐約地鐵)相約喝酒。
    a. 本句句子為過去式時態,得知空格應置過去式動詞。
    b. 根據上述, (B) 項應為正選。
  4. Out of this meeting, the idea of an underground park at the Williamsburg Bridge Trolley Terminal came about, later forming the Lowline project.
    a. (A) come about  產生,發生(無被動用法)
    The event came about because of one man's dream for a cleaner world.
    (B) break down  故障,拋錨
    Mark's scooter broke down in the middle of the road.
    (C) pay off  有收穫,有代價
    If I invest my money in the company, do you think it will pay off in the long run?
    *in the long run  長期下來;最後
    (D) fade away  逐漸消失;凋零
    fade vi. 逐漸消失;枯萎,凋謝
    The scar on my arm eventually faded away.
    *scar n. 傷疤
    Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.
    老兵不死,只是凋零。—— 麥克阿瑟將軍的名言
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  5. Within a few years, the plan to use innovative solar technology in order to illuminate this trolley terminal began.
    a. (A) indicate vt. 顯示;指出
    The study indicated that females live longer.
    (B) allocate vt. 撥出(經費);分配
    衍: allocate A for B  撥出 A 給 B
    The rich man will allocate funds for the new children's home.
    (C) eliminate vt. 去除,消除
    A filter will help to eliminate unhealthy elements from the water.
    *filter n. 過濾器
    (D) illuminate vt. 照亮
    同: light up...
    My living room is illuminated by three lamps.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  6. The first exhibit was only open for two weeks.
    a. (A) guideline n. 指導方針;準則(常用複數)
    Be sure to follow all the safety guidelines when using electrical devices.
    (B) rehearsal n. 排練
    衍: a dress rehearsal  彩排(正式演出前最後一次的排演)
    The actors are preparing for the dress rehearsal.
    (C) exhibit n. 展示品;展覽(會)
    同: exhibition n.
    衍: on exhibit  展出中
    = on exhibition
    = on display
    The famous artist's oil paintings are on exhibit at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall.
    (D) identity n. 身份
    The identity of the kidnapper is still unknown at this point.
    *kidnapper n. 綁票者
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. Within that time, more than 11,000 people visited the Lowline, and the buzz for the project was phenomenal.
    a. (A) discouraging a. 令人沮喪的
    衍: discourage vt. 使氣餒;勸阻
    discourage sb from V-ing  勸阻某人(做)……
    encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人(做)……
    It was discouraging to learn that my little brother didn't make the volleyball team.
    Nothing could discourage me from trying again.
    I'd like to encourage all of you to vote in the upcoming election.
    (B) phenomenal a. 驚人的;非凡的
    衍: phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
    phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
    Jerry has experienced phenomenal success in recent years.
    Unemployment is a social phenomenon.
    (C) suspicious a. 懷疑的
    衍: be suspicious about / of...  對……感到懷疑
    The security guard was suspicious of the nervous-looking man dressed in black.
    (D) ambitious a. 野心勃勃的
    Jack has always been very ambitious, believing that he was born to be a leader.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  1. dense a. 稠密的
    Taipei's dense population can feel overwhelming sometimes.
  2. urban a. 都市的
    反: rural a. 鄉下的
    I'd rather live in a rural area than in an urban area.
  3. landscape n. 景致,景色
  4. skyscraper n. 摩天大樓
  5. terminal n. 總站;航空站 & a. 末期的,末端的
    衍: the bus terminal  巴士總站
    the air terminal  機場航廈
    There's a shuttle service between the air terminal and the city center.
    *shuttle n. 接駁車
    Charles was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.
    *diagnose vt. 診斷
  6. surface n. 表面
    The surface of the table was covered in dirt.
  7. underground a. 地下的 & adv. 在地下
    There's an underground passage leading to the museum.
    Some rats spend most of their lives underground.
  8. form vt. 形成
    衍: reform vt. 改革
    Volunteers form one-third of the hospital's workforce.
    The education system needs to be reformed.
  9. innovative a. 新穎的,創新的
    The baker is known for creating big cakes with innovative designs.
  10. lens n. 鏡片(單數型)
    衍: lenses n. 鏡片(複數型)
    a contact lens  隱形眼鏡鏡片
    a pair of contact lenses  一副隱形眼鏡
    a camera lens  相機鏡頭
    Disposable contact lenses are rather popular among young people.
    *disposable a. 用過即丟的
  11. buzz n. 嗡嗡聲(引申有『熱潮』之意)& vi.(蜜蜂)嗡嗡地飛;忙進忙出
    衍: give sb a buzz  打電話給某人
    buzz around  (蜜蜂)嗡嗡地四處飛來飛去;(人)忙進忙出
    Give me a buzz if you need help.
    Reporters were buzzing around at the crime scene, trying to get more information about the case.
  12. acre n. 英畝

trolley n. 電車;手推車(英式用法)
firm n. 公司
full-scale a. 照原尺寸的
衍: small-scale a. 小規模的
large-scale a. 大規模的
aboveground a. 地上的 & adv. 地上地
a solar panel  太陽能板
pipe vt. 用導管輸送
fanfare n. 大張旗鼓;(喇叭等的)響亮吹奏聲
canopy n. 天篷
terrace n. 露臺

  1. be known for...  以……聞名/為人所知
    Pablo Picasso was known for his abstract paintings.
    *abstract a. 抽象的
  2. get off the ground  順利起步/開始
  3. be expected to V  預計(做)……
    同: be due to V
    The two pandas are expected to arrive at the zoo today.

  紐約市不以自然奇觀聞名。除了中央公園之外,紐約市充滿建築物與摩天大樓,且交通、人口擁擠。位於曼哈頓下東城德蘭西街下方的威廉斯堡大橋電車站於 1908 年開始營運。四十年後,該電車站停止服務,儘管如此,七十多年以來,這個一直在街道下的閒置空間擁有一些令人難以置信的地貌。2009 年,兩位朋友 ── 拉德工作室設計公司的詹姆斯.拉姆齊和丹.巴勒希(他試圖讓藝術品融入紐約地鐵)相約喝酒。由於這次的聚會,於威廉斯堡大橋電車站建立地下公園的想法便產生了,後來形成低線公園計劃。
  在幾年之內,運用創新太陽能技術以照亮該電車站的計劃揭開序幕。2012 年,地上太陽能板的實體模型完成了。太陽光透過光導管傳到地下,並使用凹面鏡和鏡面反射陽光以幫助樹木和其他植物生長。第一場展覽只開放兩週。在那段期間,有一萬一千多人參觀了低線公園,大家對該計劃的熱情可謂沸沸揚揚。2015 年,低線實驗室更加大張旗鼓地宣傳。造訪此實驗室的遊客可以看到金屬天蓬、木製露臺,以及這座佔地一點五英畝公園大約 5% 的樣貌。該計劃已進行許多艱困的作業以取得順利進展,低線公園目前預計於 2020 年對外開放。
答案:1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B

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