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2019/03/04第306期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
本周強推: 真正的超級英雄——布麗.拉森
延伸學習: 我有週一症候群。
英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: HIW+後背包
Brie Larson: Superhero On and Off Screen
All eyes are on American actress Brie Larson this month as she takes on her biggest role yet: Captain Marvel. The first woman to play a major Marvel superhero, Larson is under a lot of pressure to succeed. However, the award-winning actor and real-life fighter for justice is sure to pull it off.
Larson discovered her love of acting as a child. At age six, she was the youngest student ever to study acting at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco. After moving with her family to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career, Larson got her first acting job in a comedy skit for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Years of playing small parts finally paid off when Larson landed a stable supporting role on the TV show United States of Tara. In 2013, she got her first leading role in Short Term 12 as a supervisor who works with troubled teens. She then won an Academy Award for her performance as an abused young mother in Room. Commenting on her film roles, Larson expressed her preference for movies that reflected real social problems. "I make movies as a form of activism," Larson wrote.
《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.215 3月號Live互動英語雜誌 》
antilock braking system (ABS)
交通部為提升機車道路安全,提供購買125cc以下新舊款全新機車配有ABS者新台幣四千元的補助,配有CBS(連動式煞車系統,為combined braking system的首字母縮寫)者則每輛補助一千元。
regulation n. 規則;規定
subsidize v. 給予……津貼、補助
purchase n., v. 購買
installation n. 安裝;設置

The Taiwan government is encouraging the purchase of scooters equipped with ABS.

2019/3/4 (一) As soon as he makes contact with the ground, his youth quickly disappears, and all that remains is a frail, old man.

2019/3/5 (二) As its name implies, Pancake Day fits the bill.

2019/3/6 (三)

Here's a classic pancake recipe that is easy to make and can be enjoyed any time of the year.

2019/3/7 (四)

Larson discovered her love of acting as a child.

2019/3/8 (五)

Larson's interest in social activism isn't limited to movie themes, for the actress has also worked hard to advance the rights of women and minorities.
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知識大圖解國際中文版6期 +時尚簡約帆布後背包
LiveABC互動英語雜誌12期 + 批改網1年 
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