Figs: More than Just a Tasty Treat 宗教與文化的碩「果」

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2019/03/26 第407期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Figs: More than Just a Tasty Treat  宗教與文化的碩「果」
by Brian Foden


  Of all the plants known to mankind, the fig has perhaps had the most diverse significance throughout human history. Originally found only in parts of the Middle East and western Asia, it is currently grown around the world, and there are now more than 750 fig species. Sweet and delicious, the fig is a healthy and __1__ treat full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In addition to their use as an important food source for people and animals, figs have been used for a variety of other purposes. These applications include making medicine from the leaves, bark, and roots of the fig tree to treat different ailments. __2__ practical uses, the fig tree has also had a deep symbolic and spiritual significance in various world religions and cultures.
  In Christianity, the fig tree plays a prominent role as the first tree __3__ in the Bible. Although most people consider the “forbidden fruit” that Eve took a bite out of in the Garden of Eden to be an apple, some religious scholars believe it was actually a fig. Similarly, in Buddhist philosophy, it was a fig tree __4__ Buddha was sitting under when he gained enlightenment. In some countries, such as Papua New Guinea and Bolivia, it is regarded as bad luck for a person to cut down fig trees because doing so __5__ evil spirits. So, the next time you eat a tasty fig, take a moment to remember that you are enjoying a fruit with a long history of cultural, spiritual, and practical importance.
1. (A) mechanical  (B) responsible  (C) poisonous  (D) nutritious
2. (A) Instead of  (B) Apart from  (C) In return for  (D) With regard to
3. (A) specifies  (B) specifying  (C) specified  (D) would specify
4. (A) where  (B) that  (C) how  (D) why
5. (A) releases  (B) escapes  (C) predicts  (D) approves


1. Sweet and delicious, the fig is a healthy and nutritious treat full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
a. (A) mechanical a. 機械的
•The flight was canceled due to mechanical problems.
(B) responsible a. 負責任的
be responsible for...  負責……
•I’m responsible for taking care of the plants in this building.
(C) poisonous a. 有毒的
= toxic a.
•Those food products were taken off the shelves and labeled as poisonous.
(D) nutritious a. 營養豐富的
•Everyone benefits from regular exercise, rest, and a nutritious diet.
b. 根據語意,無花果是一種富含維生素、礦物質和纖維質的健康「營養」食物,故 (D) 項應為正選。

2. Apart from practical uses, the fig tree has also had a deep symbolic and spiritual significance in various world religions and cultures.
a. (A) instead of...  而非/不要……
•Instead of studying abroad, John chose to go to graduate school in Taiwan.
(B) apart from...  除了……尚有……
= aside from...
= in addition to...
•Apart from going to the karaoke, we also treated Sam to dinner for his birthday.
除了去唱 KTV 外,我們還請山姆吃晚餐來為他慶生。
(C) in return for...  作為……的回報
•My mom gave Mrs. Chen homemade cookies in return for her kind help.
(D) with / in regard(s) to...  關於……
•With regard to our honeymoon destination, I would prefer to go to a tropical island.
b. 空格前一句提及無花果的應用層面,空格後說明它具有宗教及文化中的象徵與精神意義,可知「除了」實際用途之外,無花果「還有」其他重要性,故 (B) 項應為正選。

3. In Christianity, the fig tree plays a prominent role as the first tree specified in the Bible.
a. specify vt. 明確指出,具體說明
•Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes online.
b. 原句實為:
In Christianity, the fig tree plays a prominent role as the first tree that was specified in the Bible.
c. 在形容詞子句中,若關係代名詞作主詞且其前無逗點時(即限定修飾),可將該形容詞子句化簡成分詞片語。首先將關係代名詞刪除,之後的動詞變成現在分詞;若動詞為 be 動詞,變成現在分詞 being 後,可將 being 省略。
d. 根據上述,將關係代名詞 that 刪除並將 be 動詞 was 變成現在分詞 being 後再予以省略,省略後即成本句,故 (C) 項應為正選。

4. Similarly, in Buddhist philosophy, it was a fig tree that Buddha was sitting under when he gained enlightenment.
a. 本題測試 it is / was 引導的強勢句構用法:
it is / was + 名詞 / 代名詞 + 關係代名詞 who / whom / which 引導的形容詞子句
*此處的 who、whom 及 which 均可用 that 取代。
•It was Wayne’s mean words which / that hurt Natalie.
b. 空格前有 it was 及名詞詞組 a fig tree(一棵無花果樹),且根據上述用法,(B) 項應為正選。

5. In some countries, such as Papua New Guinea and Bolivia, it is regarded as bad luck for a person to cut down fig trees because doing so releases evil spirits.
a. (A) release vt. 釋放;解放
•Exercising every day releases a lot of built-up tension.
(B) escape vt. & vi. 逃脫,逃離
escape from...  從……逃離
•We were lucky to escape that car accident without any injuries.
•However hard it tried, the bird couldn’t escape from the cage.
(C) predict vt. 預測,預言
•Dad predicted that I would win the contest, and he was right.
(D) approve vt. 批准,認可 & vi. 贊同
approve of...  贊成/同意……
•The plan must be approved by the committee before it can be carried out.
•My parents didn’t approve of the idea that I wanted to become a model.
b. 根據語意,在如巴布亞紐幾內亞和玻利維亞的國家中,人們認為砍伐無花果樹會帶來厄運,因為這麼做會「釋放」出邪靈,故 (A) 項應為正選。

1. a variety of...  各式各樣的……
•Our company publishes a variety of educational books.

2. take a bite (out) of...  咬一口……
•The princess took a bite of the poisonous apple and then died.

3. be regarded as N/Adj.  被認為(是)……
= be viewed as N/Adj.
= be seen as N/Adj.
= be thought of as N/Adj.
= be looked upon as N/Adj.
•Harvard is regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
•The doctor is thought of as an authority in the field of cancer treatment.

1. diverse a. 多元的,多樣的
•The city’s diverse population makes life colorful.

2. significance n. 重要性;意義
significant a. 重大的,重要的
•The eyewitness’ testimony was of great significance in convicting the thief.
•Shakespeare is one of the most significant writers of all time.

3. originally adv. 起初,原先
•Dana decided to have her baby at the hospital as she had originally planned.

4. currently adv. 目前,現在
•Our manager is currently on a business trip to Hong Kong and will be back in a week.

5. application n. 應用,用途
•The application of the new data led to the success of the project.

6. practical a. 實際的,實用的;實務的
practically adv. 實際地
Practically speaking, S + V  說得實際一點,……
•This job calls for at least five years of practical experience.
•Practically speaking, Jason isn’t cut out for the job.
*be cut out for...  有能力從事……

7. symbolic a. 象徵的
be symbolic of...  象徵……
•The ring I gave you is symbolic of my love.

8. prominent a. 重要的;著名的
•A prominent designer is coming to our school, and everyone is excited.

9. philosophy n. 哲學;哲理
•Andy majored in art and minored in philosophy.

10. enlightenment n. 領悟;啟蒙
enlighten vt. 啟發
enlighten sb on sth  啟發某人某事
•During her trip to India, Sandy visited the spot where Buddha had attained enlightenment.
•Mike’s lecture enlightened us on the importance of environmental protection.

fig n. 無花果
fiber n. 纖維
ailment n. 疾病(尤指小病)
Christianity n. 基督教
the forbidden fruit  禁果;被禁止的事物
the Garden of Eden  伊甸園
Buddhist a. 佛教的 & n. 佛教徒
 Buddhism n. 佛教

sth be used for (doing) sth  某物被用來做……(之用)
•Lime is a white substance that can be used for making cement.
以下介紹 use 作動詞及 used 作形容詞的常見用法:
a. sth be used as N  某物被用來作為……
•Photos and videos can be used as useful teaching aids.
b. sth be used to V  某物被用來做……
•That special pair of scissors is used to cut carpet.
c. use up...  用光/耗盡……
•Tim used up all his money, so he had to borrow some to pay his rent.
d. sb be used to N/V-ing  某人習慣做……
= sb be accustomed to N/V-ing
*此處的 used 及 accustomed 均作形容詞用,表「習慣的」,之後的 to 是介詞,表「針對」,因此之後必須接名詞或動名詞。
•Frank is used to taking a shower before going to work.
e. used to V  過去曾經/經常……
*used to V 表示過去常做某件事,但現在已經不這樣做了。
•Kelvin used to smoke like a chimney, but he finally quit last month.
*smoke like a chimney  菸抽個不停


1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A




技法 X 心法


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